Monday, November 26, 2007

San Francisco

Friends are forever, at least good friends are , it doesn't matter the distance they are there, always there for you. That is what I feel when I think on my friends, the ones who live in california or in different parts od the world.
My trip to Sn Francisco CA was incredible, I saw my friends, two years without seeing each other, and the feeling was the same. It was just if i had left for a couple of weeks. how awsome is that? how lucy am I for having those kind of frinds? yeap very lucky I know and im thankful for that.
I arrive on wed night, on thrusday we celebrated Thanksgiving, so this huge tradition was celebrated in Andrea's parents house ( whihc was incredible) I met good people and I had a blast over there.
next day hanging out in the city, what a beautiful day. On Saturday i went ot the market, met new people, had dinner and i got ready to comeback to my reality here in MN, which is not bad at all.
During thanksgiving dinner a lady read an speech, which was beautiful, it was about friendships, the methaphor was about how friends can be compare with certain fruits, it was very very nice, and at that moment i knew that i will always be with them, with andrea, evan, brandon, kim, vane, sara and zach. They are my very closed friends and i just know that not matter what i do or where i am , we are gonna be together forever.
San Francisco is a nice city, full of life and nice people, beautiful constructions and cosmopolitan city, i really loved it. It was a very good idea to fly over there, unfortunately i didn't see Evan, but next time i will for sure.
It is really nice to feel that youbelong to a group, that actually the way that you think is shared with other people just like you, with your same dreams, ambitions and adventures, it is just a nice thing to feel belogness and to feel that the changes that i am going through now, are the same changes that my friends are going through too, so it makes me feel that we are all getting through life together, how good is that huh? yeah it feels excellent.


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