Thursday, February 28, 2008


IEC Friends
let's it snow!
on Campus

my students
Happy time! ;-0

The US

Desde hace seis meses que vivo en estas tierras nuevamente y cada dia me asombro , no se si esa es la palabra, pero si aprendo de este pais y cultura.

el pais del desecho, throw it away, throw it away. asi fue como un hombre ( 85) a quien estimo mucho, o a quien podria considerar mi segundo abuelo, describio a su propio pais, a su gente, a su cultura. "este pais lo tiene todo, y asi mismo todo lo desecha, todo lo bota." si no te sierve algo botalo, si no quieres algo solo botalo, si no quieres seguir comiendo botala la comida, si no quieres beber mas agua, pues botala.

"Lo tenemos todo" pero somos a la vez egoistas, mientras nosotros estemos bien, just fuck the other people, the other country, who cares. Este hombre estuvo enla guerra de vietnam, y sabe de lo que esta hablando. cuando me habla, sus ojos se llenan de recuerdos y sus sonidos son de emocion, es muy interesante habalr con el. el tiene para su edad y para el lugar donde vive, una mentalidad incriblemente progresista y amplia. Los extranjeros nos ensenan, comento. Las personas de afuera nos traen otra vision, otro mundo, nos ensenan que no todo es facil, que debemos ser agradecidos y no insolentes ante el mundo. Pero esto no va a cambiar, USA siempre sers USA, un pais que ofrece muchas oportundades, pero a al vez se ve mucho desperdicio, la gente es mayoritariamente oblibia a lo que pasa,here or outside, y este hombre de avanzada edad, enu na tarde hizo un exacto analisis de su pueblo, de su nacion. Seguiremos igual, nada cambio ni nada cambaira, talvez esta bien, quien sabe, pero solo espero que cuando llegue el dia cuando nop tengamos recursos, aprendamos a ser solidarios, aprendamos que no todo en la vida es reemplazable, no podemos seguir botando las cosas, "come on! there are people that actuallu need those stuff, real people our own companions. wake up people! stop throwing everything away", he said.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I have never experimented somthing like that before, it was just wow!. i know that "gringos", with all my respect dear friends, are direct whenever they want to talk about something, especialy if they want something, but i never thought that directness will be so freaking scary thing to be witness of.
i know that i usually try to please people, and i will do whatever i have to instead of confronting people, or even to express my opinion whenever i made a desicion and then i want to change it, if it's involve a big deal, i will not be able to change and confront people, but yeah i did.
Fortunately, my friend was in that meeting, ok two "americans" and this latina, sitting in a office discussing travelling issues.
Our decision was clear we are NOT going to Asia, we made that desicion a week ago know it was time to say that. My friend started talking and things were getting ugly and hursh.
i was there just listening to this two people talking and expressing their idea in a very direct way, "the american way' right, but for me that was new and just not really nice.
finally, the word "we ar enot going" and i was wow! the answer to that was" well, this is a free country, so if you don't wanna go then don't" following by " i think we have nothing else to talk about!" what a hursh way to end a meeting!, he stood up and his face was not smillimg anymore, he was mad at us. I didn't say anything, he didn't even looked at me, he was just talking to my gringra friend and they both were just "fine". For me, those 10 minutes were the longest ones in my life!!!!!. I've never felt so uncomfortable in a situation, that was totally a cultural experience, because for me, for my culture, we will NEVER do somehitng like that. First we ar enot that direct and second i will never speak to an authority in that way but I guess i worked, my friend was ok with that, it wasn't soemthing rude, it was normal, even though, his answer was very unprofessional. He was mad and he showed that to us, ohhh yeah he really did!.
I was scared yeap, uncomfortable, yes, super uncomfortable oh yes, but it was anew experience for me. what it brings to me the idea of identity how much our identit changes when we speak another language or when we live, in my case, in another country and culture.